





powered by AI.

Let Prospectus personally onboard your clients so you can spend more time doing what you do best.

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I want a tenant
I want a property
I want a tenant
I want a property

Just tell Prospectus
about your business.

You don’t have time to learn about the commercial real estate market, and you don’t have to. Prospectus translates your business into real estate needs learned from successful past leases.

You can focus on what you do best while Prospectus takes care of the rest.


Just tell Prospectus about your properties.

You know who would work best in your property, but you just don’t know how to reach them. Prospectus takes your ideal tenant and matches them to tenants on the market ready to rent.

You can focus on your portfolio while Prospectus takes care of the rest.


Shorter search,
Better match.

Prospectus leverages years of commercial real estate data to learn what makes a successful lease, only delivering a select few of the best properties for you on the market. From your interaction with these matches, Prospectus learns what you care about the most – and delivers you better and better matches each time.


Shorter search,
Better match.

Prospectus leverages years of commercial real estate data to learn what makes a successful lease, only delivering a select few of the best tenants for you on the market. From your interaction with these matches, Prospectus learns what you care about the most– and delivers you better and better matches each time.


Direct connection,
Faster communication.

Forget leads that go nowhere. Easily drive your own deals through Prospectus, connecting directly with the owner of a property in just one click.


Direct connection,
Faster communication.

Forget leads that go nowhere. Easily drive your own deals through Prospectus, connecting directly with prospective tenants in just one click.

Brokers move faster with Prospectus.

Better Leads

Generate the best leads you've ever had by helping clients discover what they really need.

Faster Onboarding

Prospectus takes care of walking clients through the market so you can focus on closing deals. The best part? you can track all your clients through their onboarding process, effortlessly.

Higher Volume

Drive the perfect match for your client faster, keeping you (and them) more efficient.

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